Friday, November 21, 2008

6-7-8 the opening of the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco

I-Vow-Now, a midnight ritual marking the sacred tradition in which the sky opens up at midnight on Shavuot, the night of Revelation, offering opportunity for a personal renewal of vows between the Divine and the Human. Through spoken word, live music, video projections, and audience interaction we will enable all participants to renew their personal & public vows and mark the moment of midnight in a new sacred space at the Museum that will thus be inaugurated.

BlackBook, June 9, 2008
Abstract: It could have been the San Francisco Sex and the City premiere party. Last Saturday night, over 1,000 people were turned away at the door, while 3,000 made it in, decked out in decidedly more flashy outfits than typical for the fleece-and-crocs
locale. It was the grand opening of the new Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, and a celebration of the holiday Shavuot rolled into an all-n
ight cultural arts festival called DAWN. The $47.5 million building (designed by Daniel Libeskind as an addition to a brick, circa-1907 power company substation) opens onto a new public plaza across the street from the Yerba Buena Gardens, just a block away from the SF Musem of Modern Art.

It combined reverence for the sacred revelation of Shavuot with some ribald satire, and at midnight opened the museum.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stills from the video at the Georgia Aquarium

This is a multi media piece offering an opportunity to look at our participation and personal responsibility in consumption and waste.

water, what world do you want to live in? from TwinkleToes on Vimeo.